3.30.16 News Agenda
Charlie Guese
I read a lot of news online, and I've decided to share what I find through a series of posts. I'm not sure whether anyone will get anything out of this other than myself, though I've been working on this for a few weeks, and so far, I enjoy being able to stay up to date with this type of exercise.
Today's headlines:
Myanmar's First Publicly Elected President in 50 Years Sworn into Office: Myanmar's longtime opposition leader Aung Sung Suu Kyi is still banned from running the country, and President-Elect Htin Kyaw has a long way to go to improve the quality of life among the Burmese.
Brussels Airport Could Stay Closed for Months: The airport rocked by deadly ISIS-led attacks last week is in need of major reconstruction. Brussels Airlines, BRU's largest airline and Belgium's flag carrier, has decamped to Antwerp, Liege, Frankfurt, and Zurich for its flights.
Apple Demanding the FBI Explain how it Hacked into Suspected Terrorist's iPhone: The FBI says it didn't need Apple's help to crack into one of the San Bernardino shooter's iPhones. Apple responds by saying this move compromises the security of iOS devices worldwide.
GOP Candidates Retract Promise to Back Presidential Nominee: Trump, Cruz, and Kasich backpedal vows they made to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee.
Remembering Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's Anti-Gay Legacy: As the former mayor is remembered in a funeral service today, LGBT Canadians look back at the politician's open disdain for the gay community.